First, you get sweet Max! This is my friend Katy's son and the poor little puddin' fell asleep on this chair and slept just like this!!!! Can you imagine? I don't know that I could EVER sleep like this, even when I was that young!
View out my back patio door! This tree is gorgeous every fall!
My beautiful baby girl, Lady Isabelle! (Using the VERY cool Cadet Blue Gel flash)
And here are a bunch from Grace's appointment today with the dermatologist. Grace has been suffering from a rash since mid-July. After months of treatments and appointments, she had patch testing done this week. On Monday, she had 70ish different patches put on her back, went back on Wednesday to have them taken off and a preliminary reading done and then today she saw the doctor who went through everything with us. Apparently she is allergic to 8-10 different things - most of which are chemicals or preservatives in personal care products and clothing. The allergy that came back the most severe was an allergy to formaldehyde. At first I was like "Where the heck is she getting formaldehyde from???????" Did you know that formaldehyde in so many things... a big one is cotton-blended clothing!!!! And Aspartame (dang it.... that diet coke is so good! So are all those sugar-free mints and gum!)
I love this aquarium in the lobby of the dermatologist's office. Some day I will have one like this!
My pretty girl waiting for the appointment...
You can totally see her gum in her mouth....
Silly girl with her gown on....
And here, Angela, this one is for you.... I didn't even know I took this image until I got home and downloaded photos!! Shoe shot! Love my fake plaid Toms.
We got lots of handouts... one on each item she has an allergy to. These handouts share info on what she should avoid.... and then this week, will get huge stacks of papers that outline things she CAN use! the nurse assured me this will be a ginormous manilla envelope.... fun. I'll have to photograph that for next week's installment of Insta-Friday.
And our drive home.... still some color here in west Michigan!
And here's my sweet sister, Shantel, pouting because she was trying to tell me a story and I was trying to take her picture! :)